I’ve lost count of how many times a client has said to me, “Clip-on earrings? No way! They hurt, and they fall off!” I have to admit, I used to feel the same. Clips bothered me, and I only saw their downsides. But now? It’s the complete opposite. I much prefer wearing a beautiful clip-on statement earring over a pierced earring.

Yes, it’s true: when you’re not used to them, clips can pinch a little. But remember your first piercing—the initial pain and the patience needed for it to heal. Even with pierced earrings, sometimes the back falls off, and you lose an earring. So why the hesitation with clips? And, more importantly, why choose them?

If you love small, delicate earrings, the question doesn’t arise. But for larger, bolder pieces, know that your earlobes will thank you! Heavy earrings gradually stretch the hole in your lobe and eventually make it sag. Clips, however, provide support without damagean ally to preserve the beauty of your ears.

In the end, choosing clips is about choosing durability. Once you get used to them, you’ll find they’re as stylish as they are practical.

So, why not give them a try?